The start of December brought our new Christmas tree. The big guys decided it needed to be very colorful. (Not to worry I kept the old one that is all white lights and put it in the formal dinning room!)
Carson played some dress up :) He's getting so big. He started eating more solid foods, 3 meals of cereal and either a veggie or a fruit.
Clayton is still REALLY enjoying being a big brother. I'm so surprised by how much these two boys love each other already! They absolutely always want to be with each other. There expressions are pretty funny in this picture. I think Clay ran in right before it was taken and shocked Carson :)
For Christmas Carson got the below activity bouncer. He loves this thing. Since it was his first Christmas, I really wasn't sure what to expect since he was just approaching 6 months old. He ended up obsessed with opening presents. He got upset once the present was opened and screamed for another one.
Clayton got this awesome basketball goal from Santa. We've played almost every night! It has a score board and timer too.
If you know Clay at all, you know he
Clay really enjoyed his 14 days out of school, but was definitely ready to go back to "big school". I was ready for him to go back too, boy needed to get rid of that energy! I don't know how or where he stores it, but if he would be so kind as to share it with me, I'd be one happy Mama!! Speaking of school, he's doing fantastic and learning SO much. He knows how to spell several of his colors and he know writes his first and last name anytime he puts his name on things. (It's actually legible too!)
Carson like I said before, is growing so quickly. He learned how to sit up on his own in December and is only getting better at it! He's 6 months old and now wearing 12 month clothes. He seems to be right now track with his big brother, which means, I might have a couple of big ol' boys :)
I really wish time would slow down just a bit so that I can completely and totally enjoy each of the moments and milestones for both of my boys. Clayton has recently taken up gymnastics and is enjoying it a little more each time he goes. Come February he wants to sign up for t-ball so he can play ball with his friends from school. He's an active boy and apparently only going to get more active as the days go by!
My goal is to right now, who's going to make sure I do it? HA :)
I'd also like to give a great big shout out to my sweet sweet friend Elizabeth for re-designing my blog! She does awesome work, check out her design page here!

Thanks!! And I love the update!!