Carson had his 4 month checkup on November 4th and was 15.3 pounds and 25" long. He is 50 percentile in both height and weight! This is awesome to me because at his 2 month appointment he was only 25 percentile on his height. I'm really really really hoping he doesn't get my short gene. But our doctor said that he is growing well and was actually surprised by the amount of his growth in the heighth department! She said and I quote, "He's going to give his big brother a run for his money." Can't you just see me now in our family pictures as they get older? All anyone is going to see of me is my face because the camera will have to be angled up to get them :) Maybe they will be big AND strong and just pick up Mama for pictures. HA! That's an image! Oh on a side note, she said he was at the drooling stange and NOT teething...I beg to differ! It's been just over 2 weeks since the appointment and guess who now has 2 teeth??? The first one broke through last week and the second one broke through during the night or this morning!
We had our first family of 4 pictures the following Sunday. I just LOVE our photographer. He actually is the photographer that we hired for our wedding, Nick. He takes great and natural pictures. He's so incredibly patient with the boys and with me! He makes sure he gets all poses and pictures that I am after. Of all days for us to wear sweaters, it was that Sunday that was 72 degrees outside!!!
Did I mention that the boys did really good! Clay got tired of the pictures much quicker than he did last time, but oh well we still got some really great pics!
Thanksgiving was nice. We did my family's feast on Sunday before Thanksgiving and then the Johnson Family get-together on Thanksgiving. It was nice to have all my family together on Sunday. It had been sometime since we were all together. Unfortunately I was a loser and had a major mommy fail and didn't take any pictures :( Thursday, we were able to be a little lazy since lunch was at 3. Wes and Clayton worked on Christmas lights since it was nice and I cooked my portion of Thanksgiving. We had a great time at Mema and Pepa's house except that we all missed Sabrina (my mother-in-law). Hopefully she'll be back for Christmas though.
I will hopefully post about all the Christmas decorations in the next day or two. Along with the fun we had with our new Christmas Tree.
Until next time,

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