Tuesday, April 16, 2013

~What a week it was~

Last week was CrAZy!!!!!

Monday started the week off on what seemed like a good note. We had a showing on our house! Score!

Tuesday: The showing went so well, they came back again! Short notice, but we pulled it off!! My parents, who happen to be my bosses, left for a work convention in Las Vegas. Made it through the day at work just fine and no problems. We got the boys picked up from school and daycare, had dinner and they played afterwards. 7 o'clock hits, time for bed, or so we thought!

Somehow in the midst of hugging wrestling the boys fell over from a standing position.....Clayton fell backwards and hit his head on the fireplace wall.....

Off to the hospital we went. Luckily we didn't have to wait long. I think the thought of going to the hospital was the worst part for him. (**WARNING** IF YOU HAVE A WEAK STOMACH STOP HERE!!!)

They numbed his head up 

and then put in a single staple to hold it together

(warned you!)

Wednesday: I had to take Clay ibuprofen to school and then ended up picking him up early due to his poor little head throbbing so much :( Due to the staple, there was no gymnastics for him all week or his meet that was on Saturday. He was less than thrilled over this.

Spoke with our mortgage lender and found that we could close on our new house on Thursday, no wait, Friday, no Thursday, might be Monday. NO for sure going to happen Thursday....emotionally exhausting!!!!

Thursday: Clay's not feeling the best in the morning, his allergies are acting up. Get him to school. Get in contact with our Realtor and mortgage lender....we are apparently missing information! We didn't get the closing settlement until 30 minutes before closing (which was already pushed back yet another hour!! This all started with the extension of our first closing date of March 14th!!!!)

In the mean time, I get a call from the school that Sir Clayton has a wonderful temperature and needs to come home. Praise God for my grandma since my parents were out of town! She let him come over and lay on her couch while we did closing.

We get to the Title Company online to find out that our closing funds are to be wired in and not in the form of the cashier's check that was in my hand! Ugh!

While waiting to sign paperwork we found out the people who looked at the house on Monday and Tuesday had gone with a different house. What a bummer! We closed the day with a new (to us) house, a sick kid with a staple in his head and a very tired little brother.

Friday: Clayton still has a fever and was up and down most of the night. Carson is off to daycare and Wes goes into work for a bit. We trade out taking care of our sick kiddo and I'm able to go to work for about 2 hours. Get home so Wes can go back to work and find that Clay's temp has gone up to 102.6....lovely. Tylenol fixed him up but his little tummy is still "not feeling right" according to him.

Saturday: Time to work on the "new" house. Clay's better, woohoo! I took the boys to surprise my parents at the airport when they landed. Back and forth to the house working and playing.

Sunday: Up and at it at 7:30, again, back and forth from Walmart to the new house. Finally, dinner at Chili's with my parents (our Sunday family dinner tradition). Home, bed, we made it through the week, finally!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Trying to sell is hard!

Trying to sell a house is hard work! It's exhausting actually. Especially when you don't have the cleanest family in the neighborhood world. I'm hoping this process of HAVING to keep the house clean will help the boys to be tidier than Wes and I have been are.

We have had several good showings that have even included a second look. You'd think that we would have figured out how to keep the house ready to be shown at a moments notice, but no! I think the floors constantly need to be swept and there is ALWAYS something that needs to be put away. I'm pretty sure I currently have 2 loads of laundry jammed into the dryer together because I haven't had a chance to fold/put them away yet.

Every time we get notice of a showing, we have to race home, do our little mad rush cleaning dance and then take our dog over to my parent's house. For some reason people aren't big on your dog being there and them possibly attacking them or running away on them. LOL!

We are under contract to purchase a house, but it has been delayed in closing since the middle of March, so in hindsight it's good we haven't sold because we wouldn't have a place to live (other than moving in with my parents....that's a entirely separate post of it's own when you work 40+ hours a week together too!)  I have faith though that the right people are out there and they will buy it just at the right time. God always provides and hasn't let us down yet.

Moral of the story, one day our house will sell and one day we will own a different house. God's timely will be perfect whenever it happens and I'm not going to worry. I might have to rush like a crazy person to keep cleaning up for showings, but I'm not going to worry!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Creativity or Not

I so wish I was a creative person. Fact is, I'm not and as far as I can remember, I've never been.

I found out about Pinterest oh about a year ago. I'm addicted. By addicted I mean to pinning things not actually doing them :O That would take work, that would take time, that would take following through. Ha! Me, actually do one of them? It's just laughable!!!

Okay, truth, I have made some of the recipes I've pinned. My family has to eat somehow! I so long to be someone that can just throw items together and make a creation that I can pin myself and take full credit for. Guess I'll just have up wait on my mom to make something and I will take credit for it! (She doesn't blog, I'm not so sure she even reads blogs. Lol)

Here is one of my success stories from Pinterest. Brownie cookies aka Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie n’ Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar......these were made with chocolate chip cookies on the bottom, Double Stuffed Oreos in the middle, and brownies on top. Delicious and rich! For the hubs' b-day next month I'm making them a bit different because he loves peanut butter. So, he's getting peanut butter cookies on the bottom, Reese's in the middle and brownies on top. Can't wait!!!!!!

Until next time, follow me on Pinterest and see if I find something YOU can make for me :)

(See my original post here)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Blog Party? Did someone say Party?

Blog Party....hmmmm it has the word party in it so it can't be that hard, right??

Ultimate Blog Party 2013
I've never participated in a Blog Party before, so I'm excited yet oh so nervous about this!

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Tiffany, a wife of almost 9 years,

a mom for 6 years,

a daughter, and a full time security sales person. I also sell Thirty-One.

I've got a LOUD laugh and personality that I just can't help. My friends tell me they love it, but deep down they are probably saying, "whoa girl, calm yourself." :) I love shopping and singing and most of all hanging out with my family. I really enjoy coffee and sweets. Oh I'm a sucker for anything sweet....it's my big downfall really.

I blog about life. What happens with my family, the things I'd like to do, the things I'd like to make, and my friends. My sister friends are an incredible part of my life and I'm so grateful to have each one of them. Check out their blogs (they really are awesome!!!) Elizabeth, Alisha, and Allison.