Since we are going to be here now, we've decided we want our house to be the way we want it to be and not the way it has to be. We want to do lots of different things to the house and upgrade certain areas, beginning with the bathrooms. Don't get me wrong, we aren't doing it all at once, but we now have a list of things to get done!
So, today Wes and I ventured out to the Home and Garden Show. We were looking for a few specific things/ideas for our house. We need estimates on new windows, which we found a couple of companies to talk with. We need ideas for our master bath/vanity/closet area, no such luck there.
BUT we did find some stuff that we hadn't even thought about! We saw a stow away bed, aka a Murphy Bed. It would actually work out perfect for our guest bedroom. We can keep the bed stored and out of the way when no one is here, which we never do, I just can't imagine not having a spare bed just in case ;) That's how my mama raised me though! Always be prepared.....of course that was our girl scout motto too. Anyway, as I was previously saying. We can store the bed away and use the room for an office and maybe put an elliptical in there one day! I really love this idea! We've decided though that we don't want to buy one from a big company and have already found some different ways to build/make one out of IKEA products that will be much cheaper. This is what we are thinking.
The other thing we found is a better way to handle our pantry.
Pull out shelves....why did we not think of this before???? Actually, to give credit to Wes, I think he said last year at this same show that we needed to look into something like this. I'm not sure yet if we will just get a quote from a company on these or if we are going to try and once again hit up IKEA and attempt the project ourselves....or should I say, we buy the materials and have our new re-modeler/Mr. Fix It guy do it!